Traffic Violations that Impact Your New Jersey Driving Record
If not handled properly, a traffic violation can significantly impact your driving record and even become a serious legal problem. Many motorists mistakenly believe that they should just pay a fine and move on, only to suffer long-term consequences. Pleading guilty of a traffic violation in New Jersey can cost you monetary fines, jail time, […]
When You’re Charged with DWI While Parked
The idea that someone could be charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI) when their vehicle isn’t moving might seem counterintuitive. Candidly, it might strike the average person as completely preposterous. For the record, New Jersey law considers someone to be intoxicated when their blood alcohol content (BAC) level registers higher than .08 percent. For some […]
What Is Considered “Careless Driving” Under New Jersey Law?
Careless driving is one of the most common traffic violations handled in New Jersey municipal court. This type of traffic ticket is commonly issued to a driver who is deemed to have caused a motor vehicle collision. Under N.J.S.A. 39:4-97 an individual is guilty of careless driving if they drive carelessly, or without due caution […]
Drunk Driving Penalties Changed: What You Need to Know
If you’ve read recent news reports, you already know one way that drunk driving penalties have changed in New Jersey. From all appearances, the mandate calling for ignition interlock devices seems to be getting the most attention. That said, the state itself still needs to update the requirements on its website. While some consider New […]
What You Need to Know about Field Sobriety Tests
A night of fun can well turn into the start of a bad time. If you are stopped by a New Jersey police officer on suspicion of driving while intoxicated, your life could change. Often, it may begin when the officer requests you to get out of your car to perform roadside field sobriety tests. Case […]
When Can I Get Charged With Driving While Intoxicated Under New Jersey Law?
Drunk driving violations in the State of New Jersey are governed by N.J.S.A. 39:4-50, which requires motorists to maintain a blood alcohol content (BAC) below .08 percent while operating their vehicle. Your BAC is measured in volume of alcohol per liter of blood. In other words, the more alcoholic beverages you consume, the more your […]
What To Look For When Choosing a New Jersey DWI Lawyer
Just because you have been arrested for drunk driving and are facing serious charges and penalties, it does not mean that you automatically have to plead guilty and accept the life altering consequences. Not all DWI (driving while intoxicated) arrests in New Jersey are valid, with those arrested deserving the penalties. If you or a […]
What You Need To Know About a New Jersey DWI
It’s been a long day and you are finally heading home. As you turn the corner, you glance in your rear view mirror and notice a cop car lingering in the distance. You check your speed to see that you are only going 3 miles over the posted limit, but you put both hands on […]
A New Jersey Drunk Driving Conviction Stays On Your Record
Most Americans understand that a drunk driving conviction is a big deal. If someone does not think it is a big deal, they should think otherwise. The consequences and penalties of a DWI conviction can forever impact all aspects of your life. One of the many reasons why a New Jersey drunk driving conviction should […]