The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission is delegated the authority, via statute, to impose insurance surcharges on every New Jersey driver that, within a three year period, “has accumulated six or more motor vehicle points”. See, N.J.S.A. 17:29A-35.
The costs to New Jersey motorist can be substantial because the monetary penalty, “shall be $150.00 for six points, and $25.00 for each additional point”. See, N.J.S.A. 17:29A-35.
The monetary penalty increases if a New Jersey motorist is convicted of a DWI/DUI to a $1,000.00 per year for each of the first two convictions, for a total surcharge of $3,000 for each conviction, and $1,500.00 per year for the third conviction occurring within a three-year period, for a total surcharge of $4,500 for the third conviction. If a driver is convicted under both N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 and “Refusal” for offenses arising out of the same incident, the driver shall be assessed only one surcharge for the two offenses.
If you have charges/tickets pending against you and need additional information on how these charges will affect your New Jersey Driver’s License give Dan T. Matrafajlo a call to schedule a free office or phone consultation.