Driving While Suspended After DWI: Mandatory Jail Time!
A drunk driving charge can result in serious punishments, including the suspension of your driving privileges. Driving while your driver’s license has been suspended as a result of a DWI conviction can result in even more serious punishments, especially after a new ruling. A New Jersey court ruling makes jail time mandatory for individuals driving […]
Important Tips After Getting a DWI After and Car Accident
Everybody likes to have a good time. For some of us, a “good time” consists of enjoying a few alcoholic drinks with our friends. When you have had too much of a good time by consuming too many alcoholic beverages and decide to drive home anyway, you risk negative consequences that may impact all aspects […]
Do The Police Need a Warrant For a DWI Blood Alcohol Test?
In 2013, New Jersey police arrested 24,313 people for drunk driving. Each arrest has its own set of specific facts. In almost every case, the police initially ask certain questions to determine whether their suspicion of drunk driving is correct. If so, the police most often move on to field sobriety tests. The next step […]
Blood Alcohol Level Is Not the Only Factor In DWI Convictions
Each of the fifty states defines driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) at or above 0.08 percent as a crime. However, each state has its own specific set of laws and penalties that punish convicted drunk drivers. For example while all states have some type of ignition interlock law, only 20 states have made […]
Can I Expunge a Drunk Driving Charge From My Record?
Under New Jersey law, individuals are allowed to expunge their criminal files in many types of cases. This means that information from the person’s criminal case can be removed from state and local agencies’ records and it will not come up in the majority of criminal background checks. Since only criminal records are eligible for […]
DWI Sentencing Step-Down Provisions
During the past year, the courts and legislature have both been busy considering issues related to Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) cases. This includes a New Jersey Supreme Court decision regarding DWI Sentencing Step-Down Provisions. Multiple DWI offenders are impacted by this case. What are DWI Sentencing Step Down-Provisions? DWI laws are part of New Jersey’s […]
Can a NJ DUI Arrest Cost You Your Job?
If you are arrested for a DUI or DWI in New Jersey, you may be concerned that you could lose your job. Consider the news concerning the tragic accident involving three Linden police officers and a civilian friend. Two of the car’s occupants died and the others remain in critical condition. As the media delves […]
How To Prove Intoxication In a DWI Case
Drunk driving is a serious offense under any state law, including New Jersey. It can carry serious and potentially life altering consequences. However, just because you are charged with a DUI, it does not mean that nothing can be done to dismiss or at least reduce the charges. The state still has to prove that […]
Defenses to a New Jersey Drunk Driving Charge
Just because you suffered a New Jersey drunk driving arrest does not mean you have to suffer a New Jersey drunk driving conviction. A strong DUI attorney who knows the defenses that work can help you get the charges dismissed. Below is a brief description of the top 3 defenses to drunk driving charges: Sober […]