Conditional Discharge for First Time Marijuana Offenders: A Second Chance for a Clean Start
The use and possession of marijuana is a common offense individuals frequenting the Jersey Shore in the State of New Jersey. A drug offense carries detrimental consequences that every individual wants to avoid. If you are charged with the use or possession of marijuana and have no prior drug offenses, your New Jersey marijuana DWI Lawyer […]
New Jersey Underage Drinking: Adults Can Be Legally Liable Too!
For some teenagers, drinking has become a rite of passage. However, what they do not realize is that under New Jersey law, the passage may lead to a serious conviction that can haunt them well into adulthood. The State of New Jersey also believes that parents and caregivers play a vital role in their child’s […]
Factors That Make the Alcotest Machine Unreliable
The New Jersey Supreme Court adopted the Alcotest machine as the state’s sole sanctioned device to be used in determining an individual’s blood alcohol content because of its reliability. However, according to recent reports, cases and studies, this machine is not as reliable as the Court thought it to be in analyzing breath samples. What […]
What Is the Alcotest Machine?
When an individual is arrested on a suspicion of drunk driving in New Jersey, the next step is for the arresting officer to request the individual to take a breath test on the Alcotest machine. This machine is used to calculate an individual’s blood alcohol content. If you or a loved one has been charged […]
The Two Types of DUI Stops in New Jersey
Getting pulled over for drunk driving is one of the most dreaded events in a law-abiding citizen’s life. A DUI arrest will impact all aspects of your life and the lives of your loved ones. The best way to defend yourself against a DUI is to never drink and. However, if you find yourself in […]
Can I Get a Work License After a DUI in NJ?
The best policy is to avoid getting arrested for drunk driving. But if you do, it is imperative that you hire an experienced New Jersey DWI Attorney who will aggressively fight to get your DUI dismissed. But in some cases, despite your attorney’s hard work, it may be impossible to get the DUI charges dismissed. […]
How to Successfully Prove that Slurred Speech Was Not Sign of Drunkenness
Innocent people get convicted of DUIs every day in New Jersey, often by pleading guilty even in the face of spurious prosecution evidence. One of the most controversial pieces of evidence that the prosecution may use in its DUI case is slurred speech as a sign of drunkenness.In a situation where the officer is claiming […]
How to Successfully File a Post Conviction Relief Motion
Even after a DUI conviction, there may still be an opportunity to improve the legal consequences you face. One of the options you may have in overturning your past DUI conviction or lessening the domino effect it may have on a current matter is to file a Post Conviction Relief Motion. However, because this is […]
What Is a Post-Conviction Relief?
Just because you have a prior DUI conviction it does not mean that your past will haunt you forever. Some prior DUI convictions may be reopened and possibly re-fought. We may even be able to limit your prior conviction in order to avoid jail time in a current DUI charge that you are facing. In […]