On average, approximately 25,000 people are arrested for drunk driving in New Jersey each year. There are many reasons why you may become a statistic and get arrested for drunk driving. There are also many ways that you can fight a driving while intoxicated (DWI) charge. If you or a loved one has been arrested for drunk driving, it is important to hire an experienced DWI attorney to help you fight the charge and avoid the negative consequences.
Avoiding a drunk driving charge is most often dependent on how good your lawyer is. As such, most people facing a DWI charge feel pressured to find the right and the best attorney possible. The question naturally becomes, how you can find the right attorney to help you fight the charges. This article discusses five important questions you can ask in searching for a good drunk driving attorney.
Questions To Ask During an Attorney Consultation
Many attorneys offer free consultations. Below are five key questions you should considering asking during your DWI consultation:
1. What Is Your Experience In Handling Drunk Driving Cases?
Similar to a job interview, you need to ask the potential DWI attorney about his experience with drunk driving cases similar in fact patterns as your case. You do not want to make a mistake in hiring an attorney with no real experience in handling a drunk driving case.
2. What Is Your Success Record?
While some may think this is a rude question, it most definitely is not. You are entitled to know how many DWI cases the attorney you are interviewing has won or lost. So it is best to be direct. You can also ask the potential attorney to categorize his “win” into acquittals and plea bargains.
3. How Strong Is My Case?
The bulk of your interview will most likely be about the facts of your case. You should focus the discussion to get a better feeling about the attorney’s evaluation of your case and the prosecutor’s potential case against you.
4. Do I Have Options? If So, What Are They?
Another important question you may consider asking a potential drunk driving attorney is to run through the various options for your case, such as trial, plea bargaining and diversion programs.
5. How Much Will You Charge?
Lets face it, attorneys must make a living and will need to charge a fee to represent you in your drunk driving case. Some attorneys offer a flat fee agreement, while others may require an hourly rate. The different rates may also depend on the specific facts of the case. As such, you should definitely make it a point to discuss a fee agreement with the potential drunk driving attorney.
Call Us
Have you or someone you love been arrested for drunk driving? If you need to speak to a New Jersey DUI attorney regarding a charge, please contact the Law Offices of Dan T. Matrafajlo at (908) 248-4404.a free consultation.